Dealing With Perfectionism Workshops
Having standards and expectations that are difficult or even impossible to meet can be a problem if it is making you unhappy or interfering with your ability to function at work, home or school.
A psychologist can assist you to modify your standards so that you can live your life in a more relaxed state whilst still achieving your goals.
Call now on 0429 883671 to make an appointment with a psychologist.
Perfectionists may find they have little or no leisure time, are anxious, depressed, angry, frustrated and irritable. Perfectionists may also find they repeatedly check their work or seek reassurance from others that their work is up to standard.
Perfectionists may also attempt to change the behaviour of people around them so it conforms to their way of doing things but other people. Perfectionists may constantly point out others mistakes to them, leading to other people feeling hurt and/or angry.
Perfectionists may be accused of micro-managing others and be perceived as controlling as they may attempt to change the behaviour of people around them so it conforms to their way of doing things, Perfectionists may also find they are spending too much time making lists and excessively organizing things.
People who are perfectionists may also have difficulty making decisions and procrastinate over doing tasks as they fear they will not be able to do them perfectly. Perfectionists may also have difficulty delegating tasks to others as they believe no one will be able to do the job as well as they could.
Perfectionism is often associated with anxiety and depression.
Catherine Madigan, a clinical psychologist is offering cognitive behavioural group or individual perfectionism therapy for overcoming perfectionism or Perfectionism treatment.
Contact us For The Next Availability
3/497 Burke Road
Hawthorn East
Session 1
What is perfectionism?
What causes perfectionism?
Why does perfectionism persist?
Pros and cons of perfectionism
Session 2
Monitoring your perfectionism.
The myths of perfectionism (e.g. the more work you do, the better you perform)
Session 3
Surveys and behavioural experiments to obtain information about your thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Session 4
All or Nothing/Black and White thinking
Session 5
Thinking errors, thought diaries
Session 6
Procrastination, problem-solving, time management,. scheduling pleasant events
Session 7
What is self criticism, Reducing self criticism , the destructiveness of self criticism
Session 8
relapse prevention, how to cope with potntial setbacks, develop a plan to dela with relapse
8 x 90 minute weekly sessions $650
Group size is limited to 10 participants.
Medicare rebates are available if you do a mental health care plan with your Dr and get a separate referral letter stating 6 individual and group therapy sessions. The medicare rebate for the group would be approx. $250 provided you attend all 8 sessions.