Hoarding Hits The Headlines
17/4/2014Hoarding has hit the headlines in recent weeks as some residents of Boonara Avenue, the Balboas, have had a clean up forced upon them by the Waverley Council. According to media reports, the Waverly council has to date spent approximately $300,000 on legal fees and numerous prior clean-ups.
The media have reported that items such as : bricks, tins, jars, wrappers, discarded electrical items, tiles, toys, trolleys, luggage and books were removed from the yard of the property.
Mary Bobolas, a 73 year old woman, was arrested and charged after allegedly lashing out and spitting at a police officer as workers removed rubbish from the property.
Obviously, this case has been very challenging and costly for the Waverly Council and its ratepayers. Naturally, surrounding residents would be unhappy that there is a property in their vicinity which is an eyesore and may attract vermin and would expect the Council to take action. However, one does not like to see an elderly woman experiencing great distress at the forced removal of her possessions.
It is highly likely, that without the issue of hoarding being addressed and treatment being provided, when the house is revisited in a few months time there will be more piles of junk on the property and the cycle of legal action and forced clean ups will continue.